Why my business doesn't appear in Google Maps?
Google Maps is considered one of the best tools for positioning physical businesses/stores. Most of us use Google Maps not only to look for an address, we also use them to find business recommendations such as restaurants, dentists, shops, etc.
With more than 1 billion active users and 15 years old, Google Maps has gained great relevance for many businesses, both small and large. That is why at Arcopix we offer a personalized local SEO services in Hong Kong.
If your business does not appear on Google Maps, here we will tell you what are the possible reasons why this can happen.
Is it bad not to appear on Google Maps?
Without a doubt! The fact that your business does not appear on Google Maps can cause you to lose many potential customers. By not appearing on the map or in search results related to it, many customers will not know where you are and, therefore, will not be able to reach you.
Not appearing in the results of Google Maps could affect your SEO positioning in Google. That is why it is very important to know why you do not appear and correct the situation.
Reasons why your business does not appear on Google map
1. You do not have a Google My Business / Google Business Profile
Believe it or not, it is very common for people to complain that their business does not appear on Google Maps, when in fact they do not have their Google listing. This happens when people do not have knowledge about how to handle Google platforms.
That is why the first step is to find out if your business is listed in Google My Business.

2. Business verification
Another point to take into account is the fact that verification is very important as it shows that your information is active. Within the Google settings, you must check that your business is verified or published.
If this does not appear like this, you should review what are the reasons why your business is not verified. If you are not verified, you will have to carry out the verification procedure of your company. If you’ve already done this and for some reason it didn’t happen, it’s best to contact Google to find out what happened.
3. The verification letter with the code does not arrive
To verify your business, you must enter a code which arrives via physical mail with a letter directly from Google. One of the most common errors is that the letter does not arrive, either due to problems with your address or the postal service of your city.
You should check if the address of your business or home is correctly written to ensure that the letter will arrive properly. In the event that, no matter how many attempts you make, the letters do not arrive, it is best to ask Google for manual verification.
4. SEO relevance
Another reason why your business is not appearing on Google Maps may be its SEO relevance. Google Maps works hand in hand with the Google algorithm to position the business on the web. Some businesses do not appear in Google because the algorithm detects that the website is not very relevant and, therefore, does not rank it. To do this, you must work on the SEO of your business website to make it relevant.
5. Popularity among users
Hand in hand with the previous point, popularity among users is a very important factor, the more popular your business is, the better it will rank on Google Maps. There are many examples of how to gain popularity, one of the best getting reviews from your customers.
If clients make many positive reviews on your Google Maps listing, this will make Google see it as a relevant business and position it better. In the same way, constantly uploading photos or post to your profile is very good because this will also show relevance.

6. Location
Another factor that can determine that your business does not appear on Google Maps is the geographical location. This point is not entirely under the control of the user, since he cannot directly manage the physical location and its characteristics. If the business in a remote or inaccessible location, for example, causes fewer customers to visit it and, therefore, its ranking is lower.
Another important point to keep in mind is the fact that the address that appears on the Maps and the geolocation must match the physical location of the place. This is because many times the location is different by meters, which causes problems for the location of the map.
7. Google Policies
Many users do not review or read Google’s policies before launching or modifying their Google listing. This can lead you to fall into a breach of Google policies, which would cause a sanction or restriction by the company.
Don’t worry, knowing if you failed in terms of Google’s policies is very simple, since the same platform will give you an alert or non-compliance message. In case of breaking any rule, the most common is that you request an appeal and review and have to do something.
If your business does not appear on Google Maps, check all these factors mentioned in the article or contact our local SEO company in HK to achieve the much-desired online visibility.