Google penalty removal

Do you need help removing a Google penalty that is threatening the online success of your business in Hong Kong?


Google penalty removal Hong Kong

My website does not appear in Google

Has your website disappeared from Google? Then you need us. 

Did you know that Google penalizes websites that violate its rules or do not perform certain actions as they should? If this is your case, you require a professional team to get down to work.

We will help to get your website to appear again among the search engine results and climb positions until you surpass your competitors.

Do you have a Google Penalty?

To know that your website has been penalized, you must check some factors.  For example, you will notice a sudden and progressive drop in the organic traffic of your website.

Another red flag is losing positions in the Google rank for your main keywords, sometimes your website will not appear in the search engines.

In some cases, you will receive a notification from Google Search Console. 

The sooner you detect the penalty, the better.


At Arcopix Hong Kong, we've been removing Google penalties for over half a decade.

Types of Google penalties

Depending on different factors, we can find different types of penalties. In any case, these are the two types of penalties that are usually imposed:

Algorithmic Penalties
Algorithmic penalties are those caused for not complying with Google’s guidelines. The problem in these cases is that Google periodically changes its algorithm, in theory, to improve its efficiency. You must update your website in regular bases to adapt to the new Google Algo and avoid a penalty.

Manual penalties
Manual penalties are those imposed by Google professionals, literally “by hand”. There are no robots or algorithms in action, it occurs expressly after identifying a behavior or action from a website, which violates the search engine guidelines.

Algorithms in charge of detecting the penalties.
Google has always updated its algorithm. However, the year 2011 marked a before and after. The launch of the algorithm called Google Panda, was an unprecedented catalyst for some websites, but also the arrival of SEO penalties.

Google Panda?
It was 2011, and the phrase “content is king” had not yet been spread. With Google Panda, it began to take this claim seriously.

It was the first algorithm responsible for reviewing the content of websites, and became famous for the number and severity of sanctions imposed on countless webpages around the world.

Since then, it was established as a general guideline in SEO that web pages had to avoid having little content (thin content), duplicate content or content that did not add value to the user. 

Google Penguin?
In just one year, Google made all SEO professionals tremble with Google Penguin, an algorithm based on the analysis of “off-page” optimization. Specifically, on incoming links to your website.

Since then, these links had to be of quality, a concept that has become increasingly complex, link building strategies have become authentic art.

Most common SEO penalties
As SEO professionals in HK we can easily identify the most common Google penalties:

Thin Content
Applies to pages with poor, sparse, or low-value content. The most frequent example is the product page of online stores, we can hardly find a good description, the best practice is to write a long and juicy product description, reviews, etc.

Unnatural links to your website
After Google Penguin, we must take great care of incoming links to your website. The quality depends on many factors, including how naturally they are. An unnatural link, which can clearly correspond to a purchased link, will be penalized as soon as it is detected.

Duplicate content
Duplicating content for SEO purposes has long ceased to be a recommended strategy. It is clearly penalized by Google and, in fact.

It is important to note that duplicate content is considered whether we copy it from content that we have on our own website, or if we copy it from another external website.

Cloaking is one of the first techniques used by webmasters to trick the search engine and get an SEO position that, in reality, they did not deserve.

It consists of offering different content to the user and the search engine. Cloaking is a search engine optimization technique in which the content presented to the search engine spider is different from that presented to the user’s browser.  Today, it is still something that is severely penalized!

Keyword stuffing
Some SEOs talk about keyword stuffing, others talk about excess keyword density. No matter how you want to define it, the truth is that the inappropriate use of keywords, with clear purposes of over optimizing a web page, is punishable.

Hidden content
Another very old SEO technique and not recommended is trying to position yourself with hidden content.

Living up to its name, it consists of content (both readable and by code, for example links), which is hidden from the user, but is shown to the search engine.

Our Google Penalty Removal Services in Hong Kong

Having a Google penalty doesn’t have to ruin your business, with a systematic and professional approach, we can get you back in Google, here’s how:

Google penalty service HK