Google AdSense: what it is and how it works

Advertising options are evolving at an almost dizzying pace. Google Ads is a great platform to advertise your products through searches, there are other options such as Google AdSense with which you can earn money as the owner of a website.

What is Google AdSense?

Google AdSense is a Google tool in which content creators can monetize the websites and YouTube channels they work with through the use of ads. By joining Google AdSense, Google begins placing ads on our websites or YouTube channel, sharing relevant and engaging ads to the creator’s current and potential audience. This  means that the user, by clicking on the ad, will bring a series of revenues that must be shared between the owner of the website and Google AdSense.

It is important that we do not get confused with Google Ads.

AdSense is basically allowing Google to place Ads in your website, blog or YouTube channel in exchange for money, once someone clicks in the Ads. However, in the case of Google Ads, advertisers promote their products and services on Google sites only.

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How does Google AdSense work?

Is very simple. Google AdSense selects the best ads based on the content and users who visit our website. These ads are created and paid by all those advertisers who want to promote their products. Depending on the type of ad they publish, the monetary amount that the owner of the website or channel earns will be different in each case.

Interested to learn how to use Google AdSense? Get out a pen and paper:

  1. Log in to Google or create an account from scratch in case you do not have it.
  2. Access the following link by clicking here.
  3. Add your bank account details, address and postal code, payment settings.
  4. Connect your website to the platform by following the instructions provided by AdSense.
  5. Customize the design and placement of the ads on your website.
How to make money with AdSense advertising?

It is possible to make some income through ads in Google AdSense:

  • Cost per Click (CPC). For each click received, you will receive a certain amount of money.
  • Cost per Thousand Impressions (CPM). The income obtained comes directly from the number of visitors who accessed your website.

The main advantage of using AdSense is that its algorithm allows ads to be shown to users according to their interests. 

How much can you earn for each ad on Google AdSense?

We have bad news,  we cannot tell you how much exactly you can earn using AdSense. However, we can show you what are the factors that will determine the money that you will earn.

All this depends on a bidding system. In order to increase profits with Google AdSense, it is vitally important to use the right keywords, just as it happens with SEO. The content of your website must have a remarkable writing quality. The ads must be placed in places that are completely visible to your readers or web visitors, favoring the correct user experience (UX).

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